Computer program to generate equations of motion matrices, L217 (EOM) : vol. - 1 : engineering and usage
Computer program to generate equations of motion matrices, L217 (EOM) : vol. - 1 : engineering and usage
- Washington, D.C. NASA 1979
- 161 p.
- NASA CR 2851 : vol. - 1 : 1979 .
Equations of motion, FLEXSTAB aerodynamics, Unsteady aerodynamics, Doublet lattice aerodynamics, Quasi-steady
LNASA CR 2851 : vol. - 1 : 1979
Equations of motion, FLEXSTAB aerodynamics, Unsteady aerodynamics, Doublet lattice aerodynamics, Quasi-steady
LNASA CR 2851 : vol. - 1 : 1979