Design of a fault-tolerant flight control system using i960 controller (R)
Bandyopadhyay, Biswadeb
Design of a fault-tolerant flight control system using i960 controller (R) - - Bombay IIT 1993 - vi,69 p. 29 cm. - .
Rao, S.S.S.P. and Kulkarni, M.M.
Theses and Dissertations
Flight control, Microprocessors, Fault-tolerant computing
Design of a fault-tolerant flight control system using i960 controller (R) - - Bombay IIT 1993 - vi,69 p. 29 cm. - .
Rao, S.S.S.P. and Kulkarni, M.M.
Theses and Dissertations
Flight control, Microprocessors, Fault-tolerant computing