Study of zeolite / composite catalyst for catalytic cracking of atmospheric gas oil (R)
Ali, Ilyas
Study of zeolite / composite catalyst for catalytic cracking of atmospheric gas oil (R) - - Bombay IIT 1986 - xi,95p. 28 cm - .
Patwardhan, S.R. and Vyas, S.N.
Theses and Dissertations
Ion exchange resins-catalytic cracking, atmospheric gasoil-composite catalyst, Zeolites, Catalytic cracking-atmospheric gasoil
Study of zeolite / composite catalyst for catalytic cracking of atmospheric gas oil (R) - - Bombay IIT 1986 - xi,95p. 28 cm - .
Patwardhan, S.R. and Vyas, S.N.
Theses and Dissertations
Ion exchange resins-catalytic cracking, atmospheric gasoil-composite catalyst, Zeolites, Catalytic cracking-atmospheric gasoil